Monday, September 30, 2024

[Results] 14 months of targeting weekly income

How it went down
For 14 months, I’ve been sharing a HOT weekly income strategy with a few of my traders. 

And they’ve had the chance to target some fat weekly income! 

For instance, on a recent trade, all a trader had to do was read my alert…

Click a few buttons to enter the trade…

And then gone out and done whatever they wanted with their life. 

Like book that spring trip to the Greek Isles that they’d saved up for…

Pulled out the golf bag that had been gathering dust…

Or relaxed at a local cafe with their spouse over a nice summer cocktail. 

Because just one day later…

$780 would have been direct-deposited in their account! All from a $1,000 starting stake. 

Granted, there were smaller wins and those that did not work out, but  that’s just one of 51 LIVE trades I’ve sent out over the past 14 months!

The income-generating potential that traders can target with this strategy is ABSURD. 

And here’s the best part:

This strategy has done so well that I’m going to roll it out to the wider public. 

Which means YOU can learn how to target what could be a couple hundred — to a couple thousand — in weekly income!

And while I cannot promise future returns or against losses, all you have to do to learn about the strategy is click here. 

To Better Trading,

Alex Reid

The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 4/24/23 - 9/11/24 the win rate is 84%, and the average return is 40% over a 4 day hold time. We cannot guarantee any specific future results, as there is always a high degree of risk involved in trading. ​

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