Friday, January 24, 2025

Plants for your gut

Skip the red meat.
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Guten Tag from Frankfurt! It's Sonja, a former vegetarian who's pleased to discover that my recent move to a more flexible diet can still fuel the good bugs in my gut. More on that in a bit, but first...

Today's must-reads

Salad days 

Whenever I eat, I'm aware that I feed more than myself. I also nourish the myriad of organisms that live inside me, and my choices determine which of them thrive (or don't).  

A study published in Nature Microbiology this month has shed more light on this fascinating topic, showing how diets impact our gut microbiome and our overall health. 

The researchers from Italy and the UK looked at data from more than 21,000 omnivores, vegetarians and vegans, comparing detailed reports of their feeding habits with the type of bacteria that populate their stool samples. 

Turns out each group has its own "signature" gut population. In meat eaters, the scientists found bacteria that have been linked to colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease. Vegetarians had more beneficial organisms found in dairy, and vegans — no surprise there — had microbes specialized in fiber degradation. 

Some lessons from the study: diversity is good; too much red meat is bad; and the single most beneficial parameter appears to be eating plenty of plant-based foods. 

When the researchers linked each diet group's signature microbes to markers of cardiometabolic health — a broad gauge that includes cholesterol levels, blood pressure and body mass index — they found that the omnivores' bacterial collection was the one associated with the worst readings. Vegans harbored bacteria associated with the best health markers, although vegetarians also fared well. 

Nicola Segata from the University of Trento, Italy, and his colleagues at King's College London figure the reason behind the omnivores' less beneficial microbiome isn't necessarily meat consumption. They probably eat fewer plants, according to Segata. 

That said, too much meat does tend to feed unfavorable bacteria and, when faced with a choice, "one should always choose white meat," he says. 

The good news is that it's never too late to reprogram one's microbiome by eating a variety of vegetables and legumes. Fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi or sauerkraut are also effective in improving microbiome diversity and immune responses, Stanford researchers found in another study. 

Segata himself is neither vegan nor vegetarian, but his findings have prompted him to eat a greater variety of plants and fermented foods like kefir, he says. "And you know, I'm still doing barbecues with friends." 

I feel the same way. But I'll admit I have been consuming a higher-than-usual amount of vegetables and sauerkraut since I started working on this newsletter.Sonja Wind

The big story 

The World Health Organization is freezing hiring, suspending investments and cutting non-essential travel in response to President Donald Trump's decision to take the US out of the global body. 

The US withdrawal "has made our financial situation more acute," WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told staff in an email seen by Bloomberg dated Jan. 23. 

Read more from Bloomberg's Ashleigh Furlong. 

What we're reading

A protein in the blood of oysters is able to kill bacteria and improve the effectiveness of antibiotics, the New York Post reports.

Advice to avoid seed oil due to health risks is essentially a repackaged wellness fad, according to NBC news.

A winter vomiting bug is heaping more pressure on the UK's national health service, the BBC reports.

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