Power Trends+: 5 Stock Frenzy, Including a Crypto Climber We have several stocks to get to in today's Power Trends+ video, but first… it's show and tell time.
That's right, I brought visual aids for today's lesson. You might have fallen asleep when this concept was discussed during high school, but my handy little tool helps you see it and understand its importance.
And besides, it's actually quite fascinating. (At least to a data nerd like me.) The developer of it described it as "order out of seeming chaos."
Sounds like successful investing, doesn't it?
When you can see order amid the chaos, you can systematically find the best of the best.
As always, we'll dive into stocks you've written in about to illustrate this point. Three fall on the right side of the curve, and two fall on the wrong side.
One of them has blasted off during the whole bitcoin and crypto surge since the election, and I'll let you know what the data shows about it being an opportunity or a danger.
Click here or on the image below to watch the full video now.  The stocks I cover in the video are not currently recommended in my investing services, but I hope that sharing my data and analysis helps you find good stocks and become a better investor.
If you do want to receive my handpicked recommendations and gain full access to my Quantum Score on thousands of stocks, click here to learn more about joining Quantum Edge Pro.
I continue to see big things for stocks in the months ahead, making now an exciting time to own the best of the best. Find the best businesses whose shares trade well and whose stocks Big Money is buying, and you stand to be on the right side of that wealth-building curve.
Enjoy the video, and keep those requests coming. Send along the tickers of companies you would like us to analyze, and we'll get to them soon in a future Power Trends+ video. Just send them my way to jasonqe@tradesmith.com.
Talk soon,  Jason Bodner Editor, Jason Bodner's Power Trends |
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