Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Spending vs. Reality: Why the US Is on a Path to Financial Ruin

And TSLA Earnings After the Close!

Spending vs. Reality: Why the US Is on a Path to Financial Ruin, and and TSLA Earnings After the Close
The U.S. just hit a new high in interest payments on debt. Where exactly does the money come from? And maybe more importantly, now that interest payments exceed defense spending, where does the money go? 

We also have Tesla (TSLA) earnings after the close today...

Come join me as we dive in and see what’s moving! 

Plus, as always, we have stocks popping and dropping so come find out what is moving this morning as I look for stocks and do some live premarket analysis on SPX, SPY, NDX, QQQ, Russell, IWM and other stocks that are potential plays for the day. 

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Spending vs. Reality: Why the US Is on a Path to Financial Ruin

The U.S. government has become a debt-creating machine — and it's not slowing down. 

Every year, we’re adding more to our national debt because we’re spending more than we bring in. This isn't complicated… It's basic math. 

The problem is, we're not just outspending in one area — it’s across the board, from entitlements to defense to interest on the debt itself. When you break it down, it’s like a household budget gone wrong — we’re borrowing to pay bills without making more to cover what we owe.

Look at the total receipts versus outlays…. 

The gap is enormous. Every time we expand the deficit, we’re just adding more fuel to a fire that’s been burning for decades. Fixing this should be simple — cut spending and create a surplus. But no one wants to do that because it’s politically painful. 

People don't want to hear about cutting Social Security or Medicare, but the reality is, these entitlements make up a massive chunk of where the money goes.

The argument I often hear is, “Why don’t we just tax corporations more? Make them pay their fair share.” 

But here’s the truth — taxing corporations is just taxing consumers. 

When businesses are hit with higher taxes, they don’t just absorb those costs — they pass them along to you and me in the form of higher prices. That’s how inflation kicks in. 

So, raising taxes on corporations isn’t the magic bullet everyone thinks it is.

Where does the money actually go? 

Sure, there’s defense, health care and education — but the real problem is how we handle entitlements and debt servicing. The interest we’re paying on the national debt is ballooning, and we’re not making enough to even cover that in the future if this trend continues. 

We’re on a trajectory where we’ll soon be borrowing just to pay off the interest — a financial death spiral.

The solution is painful but clear: We need to cut spending. 

It's not about raising taxes or finding new revenue streams — it's about living within our means. Until we can stop overspending, the U.S. will continue down this unsustainable path. 

Everyone is waiting for a miracle fix, but there's no easy way out. It's going to hurt, but cutting spending and creating a surplus is the only real solution.

Today’s Daily Chart Setup: WD-40 (WDFC)  
This idea came directly from my Daily Chart Setup that automatically signals potential plays. 
WDFC is a new potential entry. Target: 270.71 Stop below: 246.0
WDFC has a historical win rate of 80.0%
WDFC has a profit factor of 1.821
WDFC trades last 50 trading days on average over 45 trades since 1973.

This is for informational and educational purposes only. There is inherent risk in trading, so trade at your own risk. Always remember that past performance is not indicative of future results.

You can find full details on exactly how this works by scrolling down further in this newsletter. 

Now be sure to join me live at 9:15 a.m. ET for “Morning Monster,” my market-open livestream on YouTube!

‘Morning Monster’ Is Starting NOW!

Urgent Bitcoin Briefing TODAY 
According to Polymarket, Trump is ahead by around 24% with just under two weeks left until the election!
In the meantime, Bitcoin is once again trying to push through all-time highs… in possible anticipation of a Trump presidency — and his pro-crypto policies.

That’s why I hope you’ll join me for an urgent Bitcoin briefing today at 2 p.m. ET TODAY, Oct. 23..

You see… 

Right now, I want you to mark your calendar for Oct. 25.

That’s when what I’m calling “8-day Bitcoin Profit Window” opens.

This is your chance to ride the wave of what could be an unprecedented crypto surge…

And I don’t want you to miss it. 

Of course, I can’t promise wins or shield against losses… 

But with Trump’s odds of a second presidency looking stronger by the day.. 

And BTC gearing up for what might be a parabolic move up after going sideways for the past seven months… 

This “8-day Bitcoin Profit Window” could be the biggest market event of the year. 

Join Me Here at 2 O’clock!
How the Daily Chart Setup Works
Here’s a more detailed description of how the pattern triggers:
1. The price breaks upward through the orange Market Roadmap Line. 

2. Then the price goes up and down while staying above the line. Eventually, it comes down to touch the line again — this could take days, weeks or even months. 

3. Once it touches the line and starts moving back up, that signals an entry. 

I use Fibonacci levels for for profit targets and stop losses, and these two tools combined have helped me achieve a 77% win rate over the past six-plus years!

You can grab my Market Roadmap Indicator here for just $5 — less than a cup of coffee at most places!
Jeffry Turnmire
Jeffry Turnmire Trading

I host my “Morning Monster” livestream at 9:15 a.m. ET each weekday on YouTube, and then “30 Minutes of Awesome” at 5 p.m. ET each Tuesday!

Please check out my channel and hit that Subscribe button!

I’m just a regular dude in Knoxville, Tennessee: a husband, father, civil engineer, urban farmer, maker and trader.

I've been at this trading thing with real money for 20-plus years, and started paper trading over 35 years ago. I have a knack for making some epic predictions that just may very well come true. Why share them? Because I like helping other people — it's the Eagle Scout in me. 

*This is for informational and educational purposes only. There is inherent risk in trading, so trade at your own risk. 

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