Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Port strike and ballistic missiles

Where are we headed?

Tuesday, October 1st
"What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? I give private information on corporations to you for free, and I'm a villain. Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he’s Man of the Year."

- Julian Assange
Port Strike And Ballistic Missiles

Port workers of the world unite! Or at least, that’s what the International Longshoremen’s Association is doing right now. Port workers on both the East and West Coast have walked out, demanding higher wages. Now the government is in a pickle. You see, America is quite far behind in port technology. The other largest ports in the world are already highly automated. 

America stands alone as one of the sole shipping superpowers who still is so reliant on the manual labor of longshoremen. And the longshoremen lobby spends quite a bit of money and political capital ensuring that it stays that way. 
But it gets worse. You see, because our leaders gutted our entire manufacturing base, we don’t make any of our port equipment. Guess who makes it? China! So, now we’re at a crossroads: Do we give a 61% pay increase to our longshoremen and perpetuate a system that is lagging the rest of the world? 

Or do we modernize with Chinese tech that has already been proven to be spying on us. It’s a choice between American inefficiency and Chinese tech control. Thankfully, we have the smartest transportation secretary on the case in Pete Buttigieg (just kidding). 

Not only that, but it appears that we’re about to fall headlong into a regional Middle Eastern war. Hopefully, it will stay regional. Israel is making incursions into Lebanon, and Iran has declared that they are launching a ballistic missile attack against Israel in response. This is crisis-mode right now.
To Better Trading,

Alex Reid

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