Thursday, October 24, 2024

Live Now: Join Nate Tucci for his top "overnight" tickers

Here’s your personal link to join him
Nate Tucci is in the live room for today’s broadcast!

Before the end of this week, there's a high chance we'll have new options setups to trade the overnight options... 

But if you'd like to be first in line before Nate officially posts them publicly, then join him in the live room.

Of course, no one is able to promise future returns or prevent losses… 

But don't forget that this week's earnings have already opened up a flurry of opportunities for us to jump on... 

And if all goes as planned, we'll be able to target triple-digits overnight.

All you need to do is follow this link to the live room 
We're in this together,

Graham Lindman
The majority trades expressed are from historical back tested data unless otherwise stated in order to demonstrate the potential of the system. The average backtested return per trade (winners and losers included) is 5.34% per trade overnight and a 89.5% win rate with an average winner of 16.7%.

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