In Today's Masters in Trading: Live The market divergence we’re seeing right now isn’t unprecedented… It’s all part of the larger economic reset I’ve been telling you about. And I’ve been trying to prepare us all for this moment for the last few months. Right now, the smart money is placing its bets on sectors seeing huge divergences… Everything from metals and miners to e-commerce and tech stocks. I don’t want anyone reading this to think they can’t get in while the smart money is riding high. So today, I want to walk you through how we trade divergences in the stock market… and show you an example of one powerful divergence trade I recommended months ago that still has my Discord group talking. Join me this morning for Masters in Trading Live at 11 a.m. ET as I take a deeper dive into trading divergences in the stock market. Here are all the hot topics I’ll cover today: -
Walking Through a Recent Divergence Trade -
How Tranching Helps Us Manage Long-Term Trades |
Jonathan Rose Founder, Masters in Trading P.S. On October 10th, Elon Musk will make an announcement that could ultimately create more than $9 trillion in value – The Robotaxi. And according to tech expert Luke Lango, at the center of it all is a tiny $3 stock that could play a pivotal role in turning Elon’s dream of a driverless world into a reality. Luke’s spilling all the details in an upcoming event... Click here to save your spot About Masters in Trading: Live Each morning the markets are open, Masters in Trading founder Jonathan Rose goes live at 11 a.m. Eastern to break down what he's seeing in the markets and highlight potential trade setups.
On these free live calls – which last about 15 minutes – you'll discover how Jonathan evaluates opportunities, and structures trades to help minimize risk while maximizing returns. It's essentially a free trading mini-class every morning. Who is Jonathan Rose? With more than 25 years of market experience, including as a CME floor trader and partner of a proprietary trading firm, Jonathan is an investment pro and visionary who helped pioneer computer-based trading.
Since his journey began in 1997, he's trained more than 100 professional traders and made millions in the market by leveraging highly-profitable options and equity trading strategies – typically reserved for Wall Street insiders.
Today, Jonathan's mission at Masters in Trading is to help professional and retail investors alike by teaching them how to use these strategies successfully over the long term. To learn more about Jonathan and Masters in Trading, visit |
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