Thursday, October 17, 2024

Eaten up by earnings

Well… that stinks…
OCTOBER 17, 2024

Hey y’all! 

Remember how just the other day, I asked our experts for some advice on trading earnings, and shared it with all of you?

And their advice more or less boiled down to: earnings are a coin flip, so be super careful.

Before I get into this, I just want to remind you: anyone can brag about their wins, but it takes an incredibly brave and noble Editor-in-Chief to brag about their losses. Especially when they look like an idiot and ignore the advice of much smarter people around them… 🤦‍♂️

And that’s exactly what I did yesterday… and paid for it! 

The moral of this story: listen to our experts

Let me tell you what happened…

Jack Carter’s Top 3 Stock
Entries of the Week!



“Yesterday I was at my computer when I saw an alert from Lance Ippolito about a fun little earnings trade idea…

Now, if you know Lance, you know this isn’t a full-conviction alert by any means. Just a fun idea he was throwing out to take a gamble on earnings.

Cause that’s what most earnings trades are: a gamble. Right? I mean we just covered this…

But I thought, why not? My accounts haven’t been doing so great lately because I keep taking dumb bets on coin flips… what’s the harm in adding another one? 
So I got into the $24.5 Puts and I watched and waited.

And suddenly, things looked GREAT! 

KMI reporting earnings and we immediately saw a big selloff in the stock until the close of after market trading.

Winner winner, chicken dinner, right?! 



The stock rallied right back to yesterday’s close, and I never had a chance to get out.

I waited for it to come back down a little and cut my losses… rough day.

Here’s the thing though: I’m not really upset about this outcome because at least I minimized my losses. 

That’s the one piece of advice I did listen to: never risk more than you can afford to lose.

I did lose on this one… pretty badly… but it was a small trade with just a few contracts, so I’ll live and learn.

After all, I’m right back into a few SNAP contracts at $0.81… :D

Because this IS a high-conviction bet…


I took the Nov. 1 $11.5 Calls. 

SNAP reports earnings after the market closes on Tuesday, October 29th. So I’ll be watching this one for a while! 

Hope your trading is going better than mine today!

To your prosperity,

Stephen Ground 
Editor-in-Chief, ProsperityPub


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