Sunday, September 22, 2024

Gold's next big move isn't what you think

Forget buying gold. There's a smarter play...
I've been trading gold for nearly 20 years.

And right now, I'm seeing something quite interesting… 

We're on the brink of the next leg up in the current Gold Supercycle.

We just saw it touch $2,600 after the Fed's 50 bps rate cut. Now it's hovering around $2,550-$2,600.

But here's the thing – I don't want you to buy gold… Not yet.

Why? Because what I'm seeing goes beyond these headline-grabbing price swings.

Look, I've been trading gold for nearly two decades. I've watched it outperform every major index since 2000. But this time, something's different.

The Fed's projecting a 4.4% fed funds rate by year-end, and central banks are buying gold at rates we haven't seen in years. 

And despite stable employment numbers, there's an undercurrent of uncertainty in the economic outlook.

All of this is setting the stage for what could be a major shift in the gold market.

But here's the thing - the real opportunity isn't where most traders are looking.
I've been working on this for years, and now, it's finally ready.

On Tuesday at 10 AM ET, I'm laying it all out. 

You'll see exactly why all this is setting gold up for a huge breakout, why I’m advising against buying gold for now, and what you should do instead.

This isn't your standard gold play…  It's something entirely different.

Lock in your seat for Tuesday here while you still can.

Don't miss this,



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