Friday, August 30, 2024

Fighting fire with robots

The rise of "fire tech" |

Today's newsletter looks at one startup's robotic firefighting fix, and also checks in with Kamala Harris' shifting stance on fracking. You can read and share a full version of the top story on For unlimited access to climate and energy news, please subscribe!

The rise of fire tech

By Coco Liu

Cody Chiverton has spent a decade lighting fires. As a former firefighter with the US Forest Service, he participated in dozens of prescribed burns across the American West, in which fire-prevention teams use drip torches to ignite vegetation, leaving flames and smoke in their wake.

But in June, Chiverton did a prescribed burn with no flames and no smoke. Instead, a tank-like robot pulled by a remote-controlled tractor handled the igniting. As it moved along a hiking trail near Palo Alto, California, the robot turned anything in its path into a dark trail of ash. 

"It's a cool tool," says Chiverton, 31, who this year joined San Francisco-based BurnBot. The startup doesn't sell its robots (it has made two so far). Instead, forest managers, property owners and utilities book them on demand, at prices that start in the neighborhood of $1,000 per acre. 

A BurnBot prototype produces a containment line. Photographer: Philip Pacheco/Bloomberg

Prescribed or controlled burns have long been used by indigenous groups to manage wildfire risk. Clearing excess vegetation reduces a forest's fuel load, making it less likely a blaze will break out or spread. But it's a manpower-intensive process. BurnBot's June burn covered an area the size of an American football field using a five-member crew; Chiverton says the same job sans robot would have needed 10 people. 

BurnBot's machine aims to make those burns easier and safer. In addition to  reducing manpower needs, it keeps combustion in a burning chamber, where propane torches and air blowers bring flame temperatures up to 1,000C (1,832F). Industrial-scale fans create upward airflow, trapping the flames and embers and minimizing the risk of fire spreading outside. 

That's a key concern: Igniting vegetation is easier in dry weather, but fire services often prohibit it because of the risk a blaze will spin out of control. In 2022, escaped fire from two prescribed burns turned into the largest wildfire in New Mexico's history. 

BurnBot's burns are also largely smoke-free, as the intense heat, combined with a high-concentration stream of oxygen, destroys particulate matter. BurnBot CEO Anukool Lakhina describes it as "burning the smoke." 

That feature captured the interest of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, California's largest utility, which typically avoids prescribed burns near its 18,500 miles (30,000 kilometers) of transmission lines because the smoke is a safety hazard. The utility greenlit a demo of BurnBot's technology last year. Kevin Johnson, an analyst who vets innovative wildfire solutions for PG&E, says he "couldn't see the smoke or smell the smoke."

A roller on the back of a remote-controlled BurnBot RX1 prototype snuffs out scorched earth during a prescribed burn. Photographer: Philip Pacheco/Bloomberg

There's an acute need to improve fire management globally. Greece,  Turkey and Canada are all dealing with multiple forest fires this summer, and California is tackling one of the worst fires in state history. Climate change is also exacerbating the conditions that make blazes bigger and more frequent, which means more communities and infrastructure at risk, and more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere as forests are destroyed.

BurnBot is part of a nascent but fast-growing "fire tech" sector that's focused on prevention, detection and suppression. San Francisco-based Pano AI uses artificial intelligence-enabled cameras to spot fires when they're still small, while Alameda, California-based Rain makes autonomous helicopters to target blazes from above and France's Shark Robotics builds firefighting robots for the frontlines.

Perfecting the tech isn't the only hurdle. To get more fire authorities on board, BurnBot recruited dozens of former firefighters and forestry professionals like Chiverton, who can do double duty as operational crew and advocates for technology-aided wildfire control. Lakhina says the US Inflation Reduction Act, which allocated billions of dollars to fire management, is also channeling more attention to tech-based fire solutions. So is the plight of overworked firefighters.

"The tide is changing," Lakhina says. "Fire tech is getting noticed."

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A fracking flip

Kamala Harris' 2019 stance on fracking — "There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking" — has provided a potent attack line for Donald Trump, who frames it as part of an extreme approach to energy policy. But in a CNN interview Thursday, Harris reversed course, giving her most definitive statement on the issue since becoming the Democratic nominee.

"As vice president, I did not ban fracking. As president, I will not ban fracking," Harris said. She went on to say that a wave of investment in renewables "tells me, from my experience as vice president, we can [meet our climate goals] without banning fracking."

Harris during a campaign event in Savannah, Georgia, on Aug. 29. Photographer: Elijah Nouvelage/Bloomberg


That's how many AI-enabled fire lookouts Pano AI had built across six US states and Australia at the end of 2023. The lookouts use panoramic cameras to capture real-time snapshots of their surroundings, which are analyzed by an algorithm for signs of fire. 

Fire with fire

"Technology could play a big role [in wildfire management]. The demand is fueled by the problem, and the problem unfortunately is at historically bad levels."
Bill Clerico
Founder and managing director of Convective Capital
Convective Capital invests in the fire tech sector, which was virtually nonexistent five years ago. Now it includes at least 400 startups.

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Worth a listen

Before he founded the geothermal startup Fervo in 2017, Tim Latimer was a drilling engineer for the oil and gas industry — a job he loved. "Honestly, if it wasn't for climate change, I probably wouldn't have ever changed my career," he says this week on Zero. Now Latimer is applying his drilling know-how to Fervo's wells, supercharging their production in the process. 

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