Thursday, November 30, 2023

1.5 is the most misunderstood number

It's time to change how we talk about it

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We need a new talking point

By Zahra Hirji

When it comes to the collective goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5C, there's been only one acceptable talking point in the runup to the COP28 conference in Dubai.

"We need to show that the international community can deliver and send a clear signal that keeps 1.5 within reach," COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber said on Oct. 30. Since then diplomats and policymakers from US Climate Envoy John Kerry to the European Parliament have repeated the same refrain. 

All of those appeals belie an uncomfortable truth: The planet is now 1.2C warmer compared to the pre-industrial era, and could surpass 1.5C in as soon a decade.

For the most part, the gap between how officials discuss 1.5C and the feasibility of hitting it is a feature, not a bug. Climate-talk observers say the messaging is part of a calculated strategy, one that has worked before, to motivate governments and businesses around climate action. But as humanity closes the books on the hottest year on record, it's worth asking whether the strategy is still working — and what might be lost by continuing to embrace it. 

A wall at the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow in 2021. Photographer: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images

Before 1.5C, there was 2C. In 1995, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report giving a best estimate that a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could warm the planet by 2.5C. The next year, the European Union began pushing for a 2C target — "because it's bigger than one and smaller than three," quips David Victor, a professor studying decarbonization at the University of California at San Diego. 

Then came 2015's Paris Agreement, in which some 200 countries agreed to limit warming to well below 2C, "with 1.5C as a sort of high-ambition target," says Kate Marvel, a senior climate scientist at the nonprofit Project Drawdown. 1.5C has since become synonymous with the accord. The thinking was that it would "be motivating," Marvel says.

There was just one problem. Few policymakers, and no one in the general public, really knew  what a 1.5C world looked like, what it would take to get there, or whether the difference between 1.5C and 2C was truly significant. So the parties of the Paris Agreement asked the IPCC to investigate. 

The resulting report, published in October 2018, detailed for the first time the stakes of an additional half a degree of warming. 1.5C was by no means deemed "safe" — say goodbye to most coral reefs — but the report made clear that it would be much better than a 2C alternative.

A climate activist demonstrates outside a plenary session at COP26. Photographer: Andy Buchanan/AFP/Getty Images

Practically overnight, 1.5C became a rallying cry for everyone from youth climate activists to developing nations, all of whom used it to emphasize the need for greater, faster climate action.  

It also added to the fears of the possibility of missing 1.5C, a weight that could be demotivating: If we go over 1.5C, we might as well give up hope.

Technically speaking, 1.5C isn't dead yet. But any road to 1.5C calls for every country to bring its emissions to net zero as soon as possible.

The odds are exceedingly long. IPCC scientists concluded that even if countries achieved the most dramatic emissions reductions possible, "it is more likely than not" that 1.5C is breached in the coming decades before temperatures come back down.

Being more honest about 1.5C might help the public better understand the current state of warming, and the real stakes of what comes next. 

Outside the Blue Zone at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai. Photographer: Hollie Adams/Bloomberg

COP28 in Dubai will include the first-ever global "stocktake," a rigorous review of how country-level climate efforts are stacking up against Paris goals. The process, intended to inform the next round of national climate pledges due in 2025, is sure to highlight how few countries are moving as quickly or aggressively as is needed to keep 1.5C within the realm of reality.

What the stocktake won't do, however, is compare that limited headway to what it might have been without the Paris deal. 

Back in 2015, just before the Paris Agreement was struck, the UN estimated that even if the most ambitious country-level climate goals were met, the planet had a 66% chance of warming between 3C and 3.5C by 2100. 

Fast forward to last week, when the UN released the latest version of the same report. It found that if all national-level goals are met, the world will likely warm between 2.5C and 2.9C by 2100. "That's a huge change," Gross says. "Is it everything we want? No. Is it better? Oh hell yes."

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Pressure point

Global temperatures were about this much above the pre-industrial average for the first 10 months of 2023, according to the World Meteorological Organization, which has already declared this year the warmest one ever recorded.

It gets worse

"We are creating problems at a faster speed than we are applying the solutions."
Paul Polman
Former Unilever chief executive officer
Polman, who has attended more than 15 COP summits and is co-author of Net Positive joins this week's In the City podcast to discuss the progress on goals set at previous UN climate meetings.

More from Green

The historic drought in the Brazilian Amazon has imperiled the livelihoods of small farmers and fishermen and slowed shipments of grains and goods. It's also created another stressor on the already fragile health of its important rainforest, a crucial bulwark against climate change. Experts blame a combination of the El Niño weather phenomenon combined with heating in the Atlantic Ocean, aggravated by the climate crisis. They say it's likely that severe droughts in the Amazon, and other extreme weather events, will only increase and intensify as global temperatures rise.

Justino Lira stands on his land, where the drought ruined almost all his batches of beans, wild cabbage, corn, cassava and okra. Photographer: Avener Prado

Brazil's green agenda comes with a caveat. The country's congress this week approved rules to kick off offshore wind energy production and a hydrogen market, but lawmakers angered environmentalists by extending contracts for some existing coal-fired plants.

Rishi Sunak wants to show he's on message. The British prime minister will pledge to spend £1.6 billion on climate projects, as he arrives at the COP28 summit. His government recently watered down its green agenda, while promising to boost oil and gas exploration. 

The UAE is also proposing more green finance. The United Arab Emirates is planning to start a $30 billion climate fund with BlackRock Inc., Brookfield Asset Management and TPG Inc., according to people with knowledge of the matter.

Bloomberg Green at COP28

World leaders are gathering in Dubai in an effort to accelerate global climate action. Against this backdrop, from Dec. 4-5, Bloomberg will convene corporate leaders, government officials and industry specialists for events and conversations focused on creating solutions to support the goals set forth at COP28. Register here.


Worth a listen

Check out the latest episode of the Zero podcast. This week Akshat Rathi speaks with Christiana Figueres, who organized the COP that led to the landmark Paris Agreement. Figueres tells Zero what she thinks about the presence of oil companies at COPs and her ideal vs realistic outcomes for COP28. "It's not like we don't know what to do," she says, "what's missing still, frankly, is political will." Subscribe to Zero on Apple or Spotify to get new episodes every Thursday.

What to watch

This year's UN climate summit is the first held in a major petrostate. The UAE wants to bring the fossil fuel industry into the climate fold, but making that happen will require wide deployment of carbon capture and storage. Proponents say CCS could help preserve the energy security of fossil fuels, without adding to emissions. Critics say it's unproven at scale and a convenient fig leaf for Big Oil.

Tell us your story

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