Sunday, July 2, 2023

The week's most popular stories

Texas Wrests Power From Local Governments With Sweeping New LawUnprecedented state legislation could override city laws in policy areas rang

Top Stories

Texas Wrests Power From Local Governments With Sweeping New Law
Unprecedented state legislation could override city laws in policy areas ranging from workers' rights and housing to finance and agriculture. 

Car-Clogged Paris Avenue Gets a Pedestrian Makeover
The Avenue de la Grande Armée is a key thoroughfare between suburbs and the city center. Its new design will halve the space for cars in exchange for wider sidewalks and green space. 

NYC Is Cleared for First-in-US Congestion Tolls as Soon as April
Drivers may start paying new tolls as early as April 2024.

A Filipina Mayor on a Mission to Protect Queer Residents
In the absence of national anti-discrimination laws, Quezon City is making its own rules to create 'the safest space' for gay and transgender people in the Philippines.

Florida Sells Bonds to Backstop Its Homeowner's Insurance Industry
The $600 million bond sale is the first of its kind since 1993, after a surge of claims and litigation drove some insurers to shutter.

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How the I-95 Bridge Reopened Just 12 Days After Fiery Collapse
The fast feat was "a small miracle" in many respects.

A Trump-Era Push to Promote Classical Architecture Is Back
A GOP bill in Congress would make traditional design the preferred national style, pushing architecture further into the partisan arena.

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