Wednesday, May 31, 2023

South Korea puts a $1.8 trillion market on the line

Here's today's Big Take.

May 31, 2023

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol Photographer: SeongJoon Cho/Bloomberg

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For years, South Korea has been home to more global conglomerates than Hong Kong, boasted higher purchasing power than Japan or Spain, registered a longer life expectancy than New Zealand and three years ago even briefly overtook Italy in GDP per capita. Yet every year, indexing giant MSCI has categorized the country as an emerging market, a designation that has hurt Korea's investment potential and damped stock valuations. Though Korea could be on the cusp of finally getting that coveted developed market status, some money managers are having second thoughts.

Read The Big Take.

Listen to the podcast

What is Adidas without Yeezy? Reporters Kim Bhasin and Tim Loh join Wednesday's episode to walk through the breakup between Ye (previously known as Kanye West) and one of Germany's biggest companies.

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