Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Now Live! 2023 Offensive Security Vision Report

Gain insight into the current challenges and opportunities for vulnerability prioritization from NetSPI's 2023 Offensive Security Vision Report.
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NetSPI's Offensive Security Vision Report – Download Now!
We're live 🎉 NetSPI's 2023 Offensive Security Vision Report is available now! Get your copy.

We analyzed over 300,000 anonymized findings from thousands of pentest engagements and tapped into our team of offensive security pros for insights on the most prevalent security issues across attack surfaces, plus actionable remediation advice. Use this report to:
  • Benchmark your requirements for remediation efforts
  • Focus your vulnerability management practices, based on our analysis of top vulnerabilities by attack surface (apps, cloud, network)
  • Establish or refine security best practices and guardrails by following the advice from our team
P.S. Join NetSPI's Cody Chamberlain and the Hacker Valley crew on June 1 for a live event on LinkedIn. Tune in for additional observations from the Vision Report – and bring your questions. RSVP today!

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