Friday, September 27, 2024

Is this one of your customers?

Name: Sarah Markson
Likes: Self-improvement, studing udemy courses, managing people, travel
Social Network of choice: Instagram, Facebook
Birth year: 1989
Phone: Samsung Galaxy
Secondary Device: Asus Zenbook

Okay, so Sarah is an illustration.

Most businesses can't define their target customers in precise terms like these at all. It's easy to bamboozle them with questions like:

  • What do your customers like?
  • Where do they hang out online?
  • What decade did they grow up in?

They'll respond by saying things like:

"We sell to anyone who wants our products."


"We have no idea what sort of people choose us over our competitors."

If you don't know what sort of fish you're trying to catch, it's tough to know what sort of bait to use. If you don't know what sort of customer you're trying to catch, you'll blow a lot of budget.

You'll feel that your marketing isn't connecting, your content isn't having the impact you wanted and your website will always underperform.

In short, something will just feel 'off'. You'll find yourself thinking "it shouldn't be this hard"

If this has hit a nerve, we've written this guide to help you identify your perfect target customer and profile them in a way that means all your marketing resonates more deeply. This saves you time and makes you more money.

Profile Image Tim Cameron-Kitchen
Head Ninja
Exposure Ninja

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United Kingdom
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